Love, Joy, Peace...
Welcome to First Presbyterian Church of Williamstown, NJ
Embracing All Wishing to Live by the Word of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Join us in our mission to Love God, Love Jesus, Love People, and Make Disciples.
Our Service Times
Sunday Worship Service at 10:00 AM
Bible Study at 11:00 AM & 6:30 PM
430 S. Main St. Williamstown, NJ 08094 Tel. 856-629-4634
Sept 15, 2024 Wilson Lake Service
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Even a simple prayer means a great deal
to God and to the person praying.
Did You Know 6 ?
Seal of the PC (USA)
Cross, Scripture, Dove, Flames
What do these symbols mean?
Answers when you click here.
Church Monthly Newsletters
Current Month Calendar
Pastor's Message
September 2024
Large Print Edition
Coming Soon
Bible Study, Sept 19th, 11 AM, 6:30 PM
Food Giveaway, Sept. 11 10 AM to Noon
Worship at Wilson Lake, Sept. 15th
Food Giveaway, Sept. 28 10 AM to Noon
Visit our YouTube page !
Sunday services are available for viewing.
Also available are over 500 videos of Bible Study meetings and Pastor Michele teaching on individual subjects. On the You Tube page click on "videos" to see them all.
Prayer Request Card
Tell us about your prayer requests so we can include you in our prayers.
Did You Know 4 & 5 ?
American Revolution:
Presbyterians escaped persecution in Europe and settled in the American colonies. Presbyterianism was so prevalent in the colonies that some British called the American Revolution the “Presbyterian Revolt”. At least 14 signers of the Declaration of Independence were Presbyterians (including clergyman John Witherspoon).

The Word Presbyterian:
Comes from Presbuteros - Greek for "Elder". It refers to the system, in apostolic times, of choosing leaders from the wisest members
Did You Know 8 ?
What is going on when you are called to SERVE ?
What does MINISTRY mean ?
Did You Know 3 ?
Did You Know 2 ?
See Pastor's You Tube video on Calvin
Our Next Food Giveaway
Mission Team
Recent Food Giveaways

Wisdom from Above

Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.

James 3:13 (ESV)
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Did You Know 9 ?
How can you keep God in your life every day ?
This DYK is so easy but if you need more suggestions, click here.
Sunday School Kickoff
Sunday School 2024/2025
I asked our 6 Sunday School teachers for a few words to describe the 2024/2025 Sunday School season, this is what I received from our youngest teacher. Her answer gives me confidence in the future of our Church and our world as we turn over the reigns to a younger generation of leaders.
Click to learn more.
Did You Know
Find Us Here

430 South Main St Williamstown, NJ

Don't Just Sit There!
Getting involved is a great way to grow in faith and build meaningful relationships. Whether through serving on a team, joining a bible study group, or participating in community activities, there are many opportunities to connect. We invite you to take the next step and experience the joy of being part of our vibrant church family.