Love, Joy, Peace...

Happy Sunday Mr. Ken, I hope you're having a good day. I do agree that the church offers a variety of faith-enriching programs. I feel the most important part of Sunday School is similar to that of Vacation Bible School. The foundation the Bible provides for one's life is easily one of the most important foundations a parent or guardian can provide for their child or children. I know going to Sunday School has pushed me on the right path in being able to recognize God's love in the everyday moments of life. My favorite part of Vacation Bible School was witnessing how prayer affected the young kids. During the lesson, some of the kids would get up and walk around having a challenging time listening to the valuable but extensive lesson. Especially for the children who were 3 and 4 spending some hours away from their families for the first time. The one thing that surprised me was when we asked them to pray. All the children started to settle down into their seats and began to pause what they were doing at that moment. The kids were so happy to show that they could fold their hands and be able to listen to the words being said in prayer. It made me so happy to see that because it shows why Sunday School Teachers become teachers. The true purpose of why we hold Sunday School events often gets lost in translation with everything going on, but moments like those remind me of why it's important. I know this is most likely a lengthier answer than you wanted but I think it gives a good reason for why parents should bring their children. Learning the message of God and building a relationship with Christ, especially through praying. It is cool to hear the kids say that when they went to sleep they made sure to pray. I hope this gives you a good idea for the page. Thank you, Gabrielle